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I'm Flavia. I named this space Astrology Blend because my readings and my work are a combination of astrology, psychology and my own intuition. They enable deep and transformational realisations in an accessible and practical way. Thanks to my strong Virgo-Scorpio side! More than an astrologer, I see myself as a storyteller, weaving astrological symbols and planets to narrate the story of someone's life. Through Evolutionary Astrology, a birth chart is seen as the map of someone's soul's journey.


I'm Sun in Virgo, Aquarius rising and Moon in the 3rd house, Aries. With four planets in the 8th house and Virgo, including Sun and Mercury, I feel drawn to the deep (and sometimes dark) side of things. I’ve always been very curious and fascinated by symbolism and all things esoteric. Understanding the highly sensitive child I was, my grandma Maria gave me a chart reading for my 12th birthday. The chart was hand-drawn like a piece of art, as this was way before computers. The whole experience touched me deeply, and sparkled my calling and passion for astrology. I knew it could be a powerful tool for self-awareness, discovery and transformation. Originally from Brazil, I was 21 when I did my first of many astrology training. But it wasn't until many years later I came across Evolutionary Astrology and the phenomenal work of British astrologer Mark Jones. My heart was illuminated like lightning: that was what I had been looking for my whole life! I trained as an evolutionary astrologer with Mark in the UK, where I have been living for ten years, and established my own practice. The work of Jeffrey W Green, Steven Forrest, Dane Rudhyar, Jan Spiller and Patricia Walsh are also great inspirations.


My relationship with tarot came much later, when I met Brazilian tarot consultant Edy de Lucca through a friend. Edy introduced me to the method of spreading the cards on the Zodiac wheel, based on astrological principals, and it felt natural to incorporate this into my work.  


In addition to astrology, I'm a reiki practitioner and qualified psychologist, trained as bioenergetic body psychotherapist following the work of Wilhelm Reich and Alexander Lowen. 


Hello and Welcome!
What is Evolutionary Astrology?

Based on the natural law 'as above so below', astrology is the ancient study of the movement of the planets and other celestial bodies and how they influence us. The birth chart is a photo of the sky with the position of the planets on the moment we were born. It shows the energetic imprint we received that will influence us throughout our lives. It's important to know and understand this energetic imprint and influences so that we can live in harmony with our soul's purpose and express our full potential in the world.


Very often when I'm reading a chart I get this question from clients: "Is this good or bad?" In an evolutionary approach, it's always good because we all have the perfect charts for ourselves. We are born under the exact energetic influences we need for our development as a soul. As hindu astrologer Sri Yukteswar has once said: "a child is born on that day and at that hour when the celestial rays are in mathematical harmony with his individual karma" or, in other words, their evolutionary journey.


Evolutionary Astrology is a style of astrology created by Jeffrey W Green in the 1980’s. Coming from the core belief that there is a larger meaning to our lives, it sees your birth chart as a map of your soul’s evolution. It uncovers past dynamics which may have been preventing you from self-developing and shows the possibilities for the future. More than just describing your personality, Evolutionary Astrology gives the "whys" - why you are the way you are and why things happened the way they did in your life, to help you understand your journey. It talks about the main questions and learning you’ll face in life, and empowers you to create your own answers in the best way possible.


As described by a client, it "captured many of the elements of my emotional history and how my life had brought me to this current phase. It helped me understand what had been going on through the years and, how, at this very time the steps I could take that would work for me. This is not just an ordinary astrology reading - it is deep, personal, authentic, revealing, and power packed with practical and spiritual guidance for my future".


The story of Evolutionary Astrology is fascinating. Jeffrey practiced yoga with Paramahansa Yogananda and his guru Sri Yukteswar, who was an astrologer himself. In 1977 Jeffrey had a dream where Sri Yukteswar reveled to him the whole astrological paradigm of the soul’s development. Inspired by this dream, Jeffrey wrote and published his first book in 1984 - Pluto: The Evolutionary Journey of the Soul, which is considered the foundation of Evolutionary Astrology. Since then, many other astrologers have trained in this approach and have written books with their own interpretation and experience of the method created by Jeffrey.



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